Mapping for a Linked Account

Create Field Mappings specific to each Linked Account

There are three ways to create Linked Account-specific Field Mappings:

  • In each Linked Account's page of your Merge dashboard
  • Via API
  • In Merge Link

Create a Field Mapping in Merge dashboard

This method does not involve your end users and is done completely within your Merge Dashboard.

We recommend disabling end-user created target fields and making your organization’s target fields not mappable in Link to prevent your users from seeing Field Mapping in the linking flow. See our Target Fields doc to learn how to configure your target fields in Link.

In the Field Mapping section of your user’s Linked Account page, click +Mapping in the upper right, then select the type of mapping you want to create.

If you choose to Map additional Linked Account-specific target field or Override Merge Common Model field, you will be prompted to select a Remote Field, then name a new target field for that Linked Account or select a Merge field to create the mapping.

If you choose to Map existing organization-wide target fields, you will see all of your organization's unmapped target fields for each Common Model. Select the Remote Fields on the right to create mappings. You can add and edit these target fields in Advanced Configuration.

Creating a Field Mapping via API

You can create a new Field Mapping for a Linked Account by using the endpoint POST /field-mappings. You can update an existing mapping using the endpoint PATCH /field-mappings/{field_mapping_id}.

See our API reference for all Field Mapping endpoints and details (base URL varies by category).

Let your users create Field Mappings in Merge Link

If you want your end users to create a Field Mapping themselves, you can define a target field in your Merge dashboard and configure it to appear as mappable in Merge Link. See our Target Fields doc to learn how to configure your target fields in Link.