Writes warnings and errors reference
Warning and error codes
This is a reference list of all possible errors and warnings returned by Merge’s API’s POST endpoints.
Issue | Type | |
Corrupted FileCORRUPTED_FILE | Error | DescriptionThe file was corrupted, thus Merge was unable to get the contents. Troubleshooting TipsCheck that the file passed in the request is readable. |
Credential Refresh FailedCREDENTIAL_REFRESH_FAILED | Error | DescriptionCredential refresh for linked account failed when attempting to make an API request. Troubleshooting TipsNavigate to https://app.merge.dev/logs to view the logs for the linked account to get more information. |
Writing to Disabled ModelDISABLED_MODEL_WRITE | Error | DescriptionA write request to a disabled model was attempted. Troubleshooting TipsNavigate to https://app.merge.dev/configuration/common-models to re-enable the model. |
Duplicate Model ExistsDUPLICATE_MODEL_EXISTS | Error | DescriptionA model with duplicate unique identifiers already exists. Troubleshooting TipsIf testing, ensure that new test data is used in subsequent requests. |
ErrorERROR | Error | DescriptionA generic error type used for errors not enumerated otherwise in this list. Troubleshooting TipsUse Debug Mode to get the relevant logs for troubleshooting. |
Incorrect Field TypeINCORRECT_FIELD_TYPE | Error | DescriptionThe field’s value was in the incorrect format and Merge was unable to correct it, resulting in the Common Model not being created. Troubleshooting TipsEnsure that the value being passed into the specified source field is the correct data type. |
Warning | DescriptionThe field’s value was in the incorrect format, but Merge was able to infer it and create the Common Model instance. Troubleshooting TipsEnsure that the value being passed into the specified source field is the correct data type and no data is being incorrectly altered when Merge infers the value. | |
Invalid Field ChoiceINVALID_FIELD_CHOICE | Error | DescriptionThe field value does match an available enum choice for the field. Troubleshooting TipsConsult the available field value choices for the relevant field in the API documentation. |
Invalid File URLINVALID_FILE_URL | Error | DescriptionThe file associated with the URL passed in failed to download. Troubleshooting TipsMake sure that the file url passed in is accurate. |
Invalid Request Content TypeINVALID_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE | Error | DescriptionThe content type for the body of the request was not correct. Troubleshooting TipsEnsure that the value for content_type in your request headers is application/json. |
Invalid Request ShapeINVALID_REQUEST_DATA_SHAPE | Error | DescriptionThe request body does not match the expected request shape for the endpoint. Troubleshooting TipsEnsure that the request body is in the correct format. |
Missing PermissionMISSING_PERMISSION | Error | DescriptionThe linked account token passed into the request does not have permission to perform this operation. Troubleshooting TipsEnsure the account token is being passed into the request. Check https://app.merge.dev/issues for more information. |
Missing Required FieldsMISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD | Error | DescriptionThis request is missing fields required to add / update the Common Model in the given third-party platform. Troubleshooting TipsEnsure the request body includes all required fields for creating the Common Model instance. |
Model Not FoundMODEL_NOT_FOUND | Error | DescriptionThe ID of the field does not refer to an existing model. Troubleshooting TipsEnsure that the UUID of the error source matches a Merge common model ID. |
Model With Duplicate Unique Field ExistsMODEL_WITH_DUPLICATE_UNIQUE_FIELD_EXISTS | Error | DescriptionA model with a field which must be unique already exists. Troubleshooting TipsIf testing, ensure that new test data is used in subsequent requests. |
Provider ErrorPROVIDER_ERROR | Error | DescriptionAn error from the third-party platform’s API prevented the request. Troubleshooting TipsUse Debug Mode to get the relevant logs for troubleshooting. |
Too Many RequestsRATE_LIMITED | Error | DescriptionThe third-party platform ran into rate limiting issues. Troubleshooting TipsReach out to Merge for support at [email protected]. |
Unsupported OperationUNSUPPORTED_OPERATION | Error | DescriptionMerge does not yet support this operation for the provided integration. Troubleshooting TipsEnsure the request method is correct, and that you are making requests to the correct endpoint. |
Unsupported Test RequestUNSUPPORTED_TEST_REQUEST | Error | DescriptionThe request you are making is only compatible with production linked accounts. Troubleshooting TipsTest account tokens may only be used to retrieve from list endpoints. If you need assistance with your setup, please reach out to [email protected]! |