
Warnings and errors




Debug mode


Troubleshooting Writes

Learn about the tools used to troubleshoot POST requests


Merge’s API provides tools that allow you to easily troubleshoot any issues with POST requests to Merge.

This consists of:

  • Unified error and warning messaging directly within API responses
  • Optional debug mode that lists logs of requests made from Merge to the relevant third-party API associated with the POST request to Merge

Warnings and errors

The warnings field contains details on issues that don’t stop the request from being successful.

The errors field contains details on issues that cause the request to fail.


Warnings in POST responses notify you about issues with the request that did not prevent the Common Model instance from being created.

For example, if the request contains an unrecognized field, we will ignore the field and notify you with a warning in the response.



Errors in POST responses notify you about issues with the request that prevented the Common Model instance from being created.

For example, if the request was missing a required field, then we will not create the Common Model instance and return an error response instead.



problem_typeThe type of error or warning from Merge’s API.
titleA human-readable summary of the error or warning.
detailA description of what specifically caused the error or warning.
sourceIf applicable, this property denotes the ID of the source of the error / warning

Debug Mode

Logs of requests made from Merge to third-party platforms are available for transparency.

Debug Mode makes it easy to retrieve the logs for requests made from Merge to a third-party’s API as a result of a POST request to Merge.

This is most useful for cases where detail beyond the standard errors and warnings from Merge is helpful to troubleshoot, for example:

  • Troubleshooting errors stemming from the third-party API (see error type PROVIDER_ERROR)
  • Troubleshooting generic errors from Merge (see error type ERROR)


To use Debug Mode, include is_debug_mode=true as a query parameter in the POST request.

GET https://api.merge.dev/api/ats/v1/candidates?is_debug_mode=true

In Debug Mode, the response includes the logs field, which is an array of log objects containing detail on outbound requests made to the end user’s API provider during the request.

Each log in the response will contain the following properties:


The ID of the log in Merge, which can be used to get more detail on the log by:

  1. Sending a GET request to /api/logs/{log_id}
  2. Viewing it in the Merge App by going to https://app.merge.dev/logs/{log_id}
dashboard_viewA direct link to the log in Merge Dashboard.
log_summarySummary information about the log.